Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ms A. Can me and her go Pee?

Here is a scene in High School..........

"Ms. A, can me and her go pee?"

I'm a High School Choral Director. My students know to fix their grammar in my classroom. I used to get things like this....."But, you are only the choir teacher."

I have a minor in English.

That is so not the point. We speak one language in America. We speak it incorrectly.

My gripe is why do I watch all the teachers in my High School interact with the students and never correct their grammar.?

I polled my students. I'm the only one that makes them correct grammar.

Please make me understand that.

My Hearted Brain

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Accountability to your child

Patty's hearted brain is ready to write again. The question is....are you ready to read it?

In my classroom at the start of the year, I ask each of my students in a class forum.....

"What makes you stunning?" And if they can't answer me within 5 seconds, they have lots of work to do. Well, let me set that straight. The PARENTS have lots of work to do. But, I'm only the teacher. If you read my description of this will understand. If I pissed off some people at this very point......good! I have your attention.

If I ask my son that question about what makes him stunning , he will
spew lots of facts. When I ask that exact question in school, I get answers like this......Ummmmmmh. Welllllll........! Time's up. I've gotten a lot of answers like this.......

I'm good at messing with your head.
I love my cat.
I wear really cool black clothes.
I'm changing my hair color to pink.
I 'm great at taking care of my siblings

I can keep going with this. Here is what I've learned as a teacher. Hold on, we are going for a bumpy ride.

I learned how to recognize a Meth House. Things such as this to let the Meth buyer know it's ready........tied shoes over an electrical line, flag at have mast on the property and how the house looks to know it's a meth lab. The house is trashed and blocked from view of the public.

Good to know. I mean that. So many of my students drop out and bring their babies into my classroom for me to see. They all have loser boyfriends and are on Welfare.

So, why do I do my job as a teacher? Just one student that succeeds is worth it.

Just give me one in a year.....and the world makes sense.

Here's the point of this. I have so many students crying when they get to school.'s the reality of things.

As a teacher, I know who is abused and who isn't. The signs......

They come to class early in the morning.
They don't want to leave school after.
They hug........they stink from no showers, no money for lunch
They are over attentive
They are totally withdrawn
They over do their job and crave acceptance
They are always at my side
They CANNOT problem solve.
Some do problem solve at it's finist.....Perfection and that is the scary student. Control.

Who do I blame? I blame the parents or quardians.

There is no exception to any rule when it comes to having sex and giving birth to a child when you are not ready. I, as a teacher, am so sadden with the unmotivated child in this day and age.

I blame the parents. I can say that because I'm a Mother & teacher. Honestly, what can be so pressing in your life when your child needs you?

Just do what is right.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Barefoot Kickers in Middle School

Do barefoot kickers in middle school exist? Just exactly when does a football kicker realize he's a barefoot kicker. I'm the mother of one. He's 14 now and just entered my school as a freshman. I'm the choral director there. Yes, by the way, it's very cool. That's another blog.
As his mother, I look back and remember specific things that stood out in my son. The second my Father saw Nicky when he was born, he said, "Look, he has ski feet." His feet were normal to me. I'm his MOM. They were just slightly longer is all. He started walking early in the 9th month. Everytime I put his shoes on, he went atside to play and immediately took his shoes off and ALWAYS kept his socks on. I went through socks like a candy addict in a candy store. As he got older and started football, they would play on the field and Nick's shoes were always gone. At practice one day he knocked the snot out of the ball and the coaches went nuts.
Here's the scary part. One practice, he kicked for over an hour for a hard game coming up. He never let up. I got him home and asked him to remove his right foot's sock. I was sure there was going to be some damage. He removed the sock and his foot wasn't even red or bruised. His right foot is slightly more muscular than the left. In amazement, I asked him if he was human.....I was so shocked.
Since then, he was aloud to kick at the games if the other team's coaches didn't mind. They didn't until he started kicking over 40 yards in 7th grade. Then everybody had a problem with it. He had to put his shoe back on. We know have a soccer shoe for him that he hates. He kicks about 10 yards less with the shoe on.
He is now in High School and they won't allow him to kick without a shoe. Varsity snatched him up this year for kicker but he's a confused little sole about this. The rules state cushion of 3/16ths of an inch padding. It does not state anything about a shoe. That is two socks worth and he kicked like that for a short time in middle school till it became an issue. He chose to let it go and kick as told.
When he gets to college level, as they allow it, his goal will be to change that rule for the younger players. He feels that his football growth was stifled. If you are going to be a kicker, what does it matter. They have NASA making swimsuits in the olympics for speed.
Let kickers wear nothing to beat records also.
Thanks for the rant.
You can see him on the new web site. It's a different approach that he is building. Keep checking back for more updates and stories of his adventure on this. He's on a focused rampage.

Meet me and my son

I'm Patty Anderson. Below you will see my 14-year old son, Nick Anderson. He's a great kid, shy and humble with the heart of rampage for what he loves. His philosophy is this:

When I find something I love to do, I perfect it.
I do my best to always stay on top.
If i meet a true challenge, we go head to head all the way.
That is respect at its finest.

Nick Anderson

My 14 year-old son and I started a new electronics web site. I am a high school choir teacher in Colorado. My son just started his freshman year at my school 2008. Very cool. We started this site because he wouldn't be able to keep Burger King hours if you know what I mean. He's very ambitious. He's the National Marbles Champion 2007, inducted into their Hall of Fame in New Jersey 2008. Now a marbles coach. Also, a QB & barefoot kicker and varsity kicker with huge dreams for professional football. See what I mean? Visit his site for fun things and great ideas. He is also telling stories of his adventures as they happen. Still building the stories. Come visit and contact us at You can also visit his football web site at .
I'm 48 and a happily divorced Mom of one. I have been teaching music since 1977.
This is my view of fixing the world. Ready? Only one sentence.........
Love and nurture your children and the world will stay sweet.
I hope to meet some great people here. Everybody has a story. That's what makes us unique and stunning.
I look forward to starting the blogs. Hope you will too.
Patty & Nick Anderson